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The highlight is the battle scene, "Jinrin" on Kagura jp(神楽 jp)

The highlight is the battle scene, "Jinrin" on Kagura jp(神楽 jp)

"Jinrin" on Kagura jp's Youtube channel

You can enjoy the wonderful stage by Saiotoasahi Kagura Troup(才乙旭神楽団)in Hiroshima. 


The Story of "Jinrin"

During the reign of the 15th Emperor Chuai, tens of thousand of soldiers arrive from a foreign country to try to conquer Japan. The commander-in-chief of this troop is Jinrin. Jinrin is demon who has wings and fly freely, disturbs villages and kills many people.

Then Emperor Chuai stands up with his followers, and vanquishes the demon with his virtue and influence. His bow, Amano-Kagoyumi and his arrow, Amano-Habaya have miraculous power and help Emperor's victory.


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